This is a detailed guide for Marketing professionals that teaches them the basics of HTML, CSS, and HubL to aid in creating content for HubSpot's CMS.
Hi I'm AJ
I'm a Senior Developer Advocate at HubSpot with a passion for Automation, SEO, Web Development, Data Analysis, and helping companies discover the art of the possible when applying the HubSpot Platform to their business.

Lastest Publications/Talks
Hello World: Creating Your First React + GraphQL Custom Card for HubSpot’s CRM
An article that walks users through a "Hello World" example of creating their first React + GraphQL Custom Card.
HubSpot.Extend() 2022 CMS Panel Recap
During the HubSpot.Extend() 2022 Conference, our conference built for developers, I lead a panel discussion around CMS Hub. Unfortunately, the recording for this session was lost. In lieu of this, I wrote a recap post detailing the discussion.
Read the recapKickstarting your HubSpot developer journey
An article written with the Developer Advocacy Team that discusses what you need in order to kickstart your developer journey when building on the HubSpot Platform. Whether you are an API developer or CMS Developer, this article is for you.
Learn how kickstart your journeyHow to Use Structured Data (Schema Markup) in HubSpot to Improve SEO
An article that details how to use Structured Data, also referred to as Schema Markup, inside of HubSpot while also using HubL variables to populate the schema data. This frees up content editors (or marketers/developers) from having to enter this information on a post by post basis.
Learn how to implementWhy software companies need more than an NPS score to gauge the success of their product(s) when surveying developers
An article that explores why a standard NPS for developers just doesn’t cut it from a software standpoint and why you should run a full developer survey that includes your NPS metric for both quantitative and qualitative (also referred to as structured and unstructured) data.
Learn why you need more than an NPS